There are several different image sizes in use on, but the system can automatically crop your image to fit the location.
So, we recommend always uploading landscape images that are standard rectangular size (4:3 aspect ratio, minimum 1024px x 768px). That will allow you most flexibility in being able to use the image anywhere in your site without resizing issues. Depending on where you use the image, it may end up being slightly cropped by the system, but this isn’t usually an issue if the main ‘action’ or focus of the image is roughly in the middle.
Alternatively, if you want to guarantee that the image you upload appears on the screen exactly as you uploaded it, without any edges cropped off, you need to make sure it is exactly the right size for its intended location, before you upload it.
To achieve this, use the pixel sizes given below to resize images before you upload them, so that they display correctly on your site. If you are a user, the links to a Canva template of the correct size are included below. Find other photo editing apps at Digital Labs.
All images need to be in .jpg or .png format.
Where is this seen and edited? Church homepage
- The logo image should be square.
- 1:1 aspect ratio.
- Minimum of 304px x 304px and the maximum of 1200px x 1200px.
Homepage Gallery images and building images
Where is this seen and edited? Church homepage / image library.
- Gallery and building images should be rectangular.
- 4:3 aspect ratio.
- Minimum of 1024px x 768px
How to add to select homepage gallery images
Cover image
Where is it used? Top of any page, behind the page title. Add a cover image to a page by editing the page.
- Cover images should be landscape.
- 4:1 aspect ratio.
- Minimum of 1200px x 300px and a maximum of 2400px x 600px in size.
Please note, any image size can be uploaded, however it will be cropped to the show the middle section of your image. Once uploaded, check that it displays how you would like it to.
How to add a cover image to a page
Feature images
Where is it used? Events and services, News articles
- News items, services and event images should be landscape
- 2:1 aspect ratio.
- Minimum of 536px x 268px in size.
How to add an image to services and events
How to add images to news story
Feature images for Advent and Christmas services and events
Where is it used? Events and services, Advent and Christmas search results page
- Advent and Christmas services and event images should be square
- 1:1 aspect ratio.
- Minimum of 525px x 525px in size.
How to add an image to services and events
What images should I add to services, events and news items?
Please note, on desktop the height of the feature image depends on the description length. We recommend the image you choose should have its most important visual features in the centre of the image as the sides may be cropped. It is also recommended to use a photograph rather than a graphic with text, as these are inaccessible for screen readers.
It is possible to upload an image that doesn’t follow these guidelines, but you may find parts of it get cut off. If your image is too small, or portrait when it needs to be landscape, the image may be blurry.
You can change the size of an image using most photo editing tools. Get your image to the right size before uploading into, as there isn’t a size adjustment tool within the site.
Want to re-use images?
Upload an image to the image library and it will become available for you to pick and use in various locations across the site. You can select from the image library to:
- Create a homepage gallery
- Illustrate your services and events
In the future, we hope to develop this feature so that you can also select from the image library to:
- Illustrate your news articles - feature images
- Illustrate your pages – cover images
If you find the image library feature helpful and expect to use it a lot, we recommend you upload all your images as standard rectangular, 4:3 aspect ratio, minimum of 1024px x 768px. That will allow you most flexibility in being able to use the images anywhere in your site without resizing issues.
If it is important to you that the whole of your image is visible in all circumstances, we do not recommend using the image library. Size each image individually for its intended location instead.
GDPR and safeguarding
Before uploading an image, make sure you have permission to do so.
If you upload a photo that you do not own you may breach copyright regulations and could be fined by the owner.
When uploading a photo that you have taken of people from your community, make sure the subjects have given their consent. This is to follow UK GDPR laws and for safeguarding.
Learn how to use photographs and videos online.