Tags on AChurchNearYou.com help visitors find a local church which can meet their needs. As an example, a visitor may be looking to attend a church with an accessible toilet or a service with BSL interpretation.
There are two types of tags on AChurchNearYou.com
Service and event tags
When a service or event is created on a church or benefice site there is an option to add Tags. Tags tell AChurchNearYou.com more about the service or event so that it appears in a relevant search made by a visitor.
A visitor may search for nearby services or events which include features such as Family friendly, service with BSL interpretation or a service of the Eucharist. If these tags have been used, the service or event will appear in the search results.
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Facilities tags
Facilities tags tell AChurchNearYou.com more about the features and facilities of your church building or community. This may be accessibility features of your church building such as a hearing aid loop, disabled parking spaces, or accessible toilet; features of your church community such as the tradition or style of sung worship; or mid-week community activities such as a food bank, toddler group or friendship café.
A visitor may have a specific need which could be a barrier to attending a church service or event. They may be concerned about visiting for the first time not knowing what is available or what to expect. Being open about the features and facilities may help them to feel more confident to attend online or onsite services and events for the first time.
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How to search using tags
- From the AChurchNearYou.com homepage add a location into the search or click the arrow to use your current location
- A list of local churches will now appear beside a map
- In the search box above the list of churches, type a search word such as 'Accessible toilet' or 'ramped entrance'. Select the relevant tags from the suggestions.
- If you wish to add multiple tags, repeat the previous step.
- All the tags selected will appear in purple in the search box. Click the arrow beside the box to search for churches with these features in your search area.
- Any churches which have used these tags will now appear in the list.
- Click on the name of each church to visit their site.