When someone makes a request to edit a church, the existing editor(s) of that church will receive an email to notify them. Any existing editor can then log in and approve the request.
Once an existing editor has made the approval, the existing editor(s) of that church will receive another email to confirm this. The person who has been approved will also be emailed.
Approve or decline a request to edit the church
- From the AChurchNearYou.com homepage, click on Editor login.
- Open your church in editor view, so you can see the editor menu. Show me how.
- In the editor menu, click Manage editors
- Click on the tab Pending requests to see the list of editors waiting to be approved
- Click on the drop-down menu beside each name (where it says Pending) to assign them a role
- Click the tick next to the requests you wish to approve or the X next to any requests you wish to decline
- Click Update at the bottom of the page.
The person you have approved will then be able to edit the church when they next log in to the site.
The roles you can assign new editors are:
- Editor: can edit the church, access the inbox and approve new editors.
- Publisher: can edit the church but do not have access to the inbox.
- Champion: can only access the Church Development Tool.
There can be no more than five people assigned to each church, including you.
Troubleshooting for editors