In your church and benefice site on, there is a services and events page.
By default this opens in a ‘grid’ view.
Events are shown in calendar order. Any regular events included are shown only once, on their next occurrence.
On church sites only (currently not available on benefice sites), there is a tab to choose to see a calendar view instead of the grid view.
Filter options on church sites
The public and editors both see ‘published events’ as default, but can filter using the dropdown menu:
- The public can choose to see published events, one-off events or regular events
- Editors can choose to see published events, one-off events or regular events, unpublished events or past events.
If you want exact definitions of these terms, see below.
Filter options on benefice sites
- On the benefice site, for service and events, instead of the dropdown menu, the public can filter which church location(s) they would like to view.
- As for church sites, on benefice sites editors can choose to see published events, one-off events or regular events, unpublished events or past events.
More about the terms used in the dropdown menus
What the public can see
The public can only see events and services that you have published.
They can switch between these views using the dropdown menu:
- Show all events: All published events, both one off and regular, that haven’t finished happening yet.
- Show one off events: One off published events that haven’t finished happening yet.
- Show regular events: Regular published events (includes regular published events that are on a break) that haven’t finished happening yet.
What editors can see
Editors can see unpublished and past events as well as published events.
You can switch between these views using the dropdown menu:
- Show published events: All published events, including regular events that are on a break, that haven’t finished happening.
- Show unpublished events: All unpublished events. These could be unpublished because they are drafts that have never been published, or because they were events that were published once but have since been unpublished.
- Show one off events: One off published events that haven’t finished happening yet.
- Show regular events: All published regular events, including those on a break, that haven’t finished happening yet.
- Show past events: Any published one-off event dated in the past and any regular event where all the recurrences are over.