The following instructions work on church sites and benefice sites and for any kind of seasonal tag.
List and tag your services today
1. Log into AChurchNear
Or, if you are not already an editor, register here.
2. Open your church or benefice in editor view, so you can see the editor menu. Show me how.
On desktop, the easiest way to open the editor menu for your church is to hover over 'My Churches and Benefices' in the top menu and click the name of the church or benefice.
On mobile, to open the editor menu, tap the three stacked lines in the top right, then tap the name of the church or benefice.
3. Under 'services and events', choose 'add new'.
On desktop, choose 'services and events' from the editor menu and then click the orange 'add new' button.
On mobile, tap the three stacked lines top right to open the menu, then tap 'Services and events'. Then tap the big 'Add a new event' button that appears on your screen.
4. Add details
Enter the details of your service, including the name, start and finish date and time and a brief description of what will happen during the service.
Make it clear in your description that everyone is welcome and try to stick to words that someone who hasn't been to church before would understand.
6. Add tags
Click on change tags and tick all the tags that apply to your service or event. These could include Holy Week, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter and Easter Day. Click save when complete to close the tag window and return to edit the service.
Tip: Remember to add the ‘Lent’ or ‘Easter’ tag so your service or event appears under the ‘Lent & Easter’ tab on your church’s services and events page.
7. Press save
Ensure all the mandatory fields are completed (these are marked with a * symbol), and click save at the bottom of the page. Please note, your event will not save unless you have included a description and start and finish date and time.
Full list of tags for Lent and Easter:
- Ash Wednesday
- Easter
- Easter Day
- Good Friday
- Lent
- Hot Cross Buns
- Holy Saturday
- Holy Week
- Maundy Thursday
- Mothering Sunday
- Palm Sunday
- Shrove Tuesday
- Stations of the Cross
- Tenebrae
Learn more about creating and editing services and events.
Learn how to copy services or events to other churches in your benefice
Learn more about how tags work on A Church Near You.