You can search for churches using a postcode, church name and location, a village, town, or a city.
The more detailed the address you enter, the more accurate the parish boundary will be when it is marked on the map, and the more accurate the identification of the parish church will be. Therefore, if you are using to find a parish church, or the parish boundary, use a full postal address including house number, not just a postcode or road name.
If you’re looking for a church with specific service types or facilities add a tag to focus your search. There are many tags including BCP services, sign language, bell ringing, Alpha courses, and free WiFi.
- In the Location or Place box, type a postcode, for example SW1P 3AZ, or a location, for example Beeston, or St Mark's Church, Leamington Spa, or a full postal address. If you want to know the parish church, or the parish boundary, use a full postal address including house number, not just a postcode or road name.
- A list of locations will be displayed, usually the top one is the option you want so click that location
- Add a tag in the tags box if you wish to focus your search
- Click the gold arrow to the right and the results displayed.
You may be asked if you want it to be able to use your location. Saying yes will allow the site to find the church closest to your current location. However, you do not need to say yes in order to search. If you say no you'll need to enter a location manually.
There are known issues with Microsoft Internet Explorer, and Microsoft Edge, you may wish to try another browser such as Google Chrome, or Mozilla Firefox.